Wildlife Adventure - Cougar vs. Bear
A bear cub gets himself into an adventure with a cougar. From the Oscar nominated nature film "The Bear" (1988).
It's not just "survival of the fittest" - you also need some backup from your friends and family. Synopsis: A nature film with almost no human dialogue. In this picturesque story an orphaned bear cub is adopted by an adult male bear and must avoid hunters.
茶茶說,這是一部好幾年前的電影,叫做 The Bear。小熊是孤兒,遇到一隻大公熊,成為好朋友。那時候的3D技術還沒使用到電影上,全部是實景跟剪接。那隻大公熊的名字叫做 Thor,如果我有興趣應該去找電影來看看。
在google查了一下,有人寫了很詳細的文章唷! 大熊記 The Bear (1988) - 小棕熊之苦兒流浪記