1. 錢復:敢說,下功夫努力學。
2. 馬英九:創造機會,勇於說出口,自我練習翻譯。
3. 余光中:中文和英文都要學好,學語言要學它的文化。
4. 邵玉銘:紮實下功夫去做,才記得久,學問才做得深。
5. 吳京:多聽、多讀、多寫,加多看影片。
6. 朱炎:下苦工,多找機會說,養成習慣。
7. 李振清:寫英語日記,投注精力。
8. 程建人:要有目標、目的,背,learn by heart,memorize.
9. 黃碧端:讀經典好書,背誦佳句,善用網路資源。
A. 字典類
(1) 網路版Merriam-Webster韋氏詞典 http://www.m-w.com/dictionary.htm
(2) 網路詞典與同義詞典 http://www.uwstout.edu/lib/reference/
(3) 美國國會圖書館網路同義詞典 http://lcweb.loc.gov
(4) Grove線上藝術詞典 http://www.grovereference.com/TDA/Index.htm
(5) 線上人名詞典 http://www.biography.com
(6) 線上醫學詞典 http://www.graylab.ac.uk
B. 英語學習類
(1) 空中英語教室 http://studioclassroom.com/
(2) 堪薩斯大學英語學習網站 http://www.aec.ukans.edu/leo/english/english.html (連結毁損)
(3) 文法與寫作指導網頁 http://webster.commnet.edu
(4) 英文文法概說 http://www.sil.org/linguistics/payne/section00.html
(5) 線上文法諮詢 http://webster.commnet.edu/shr-cgi-win/polyform.exe/grammar_request (連結毁損)
(6) 作家與寫作網站 http://www.studyweb.com
(7) 英文文法線上查詢 http://www.edunet.com/english/grammar/index.cfm (連結毁損)
(8) 國內各大學英語相關系所 http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/zephyr/englishdept/englist.htm (連結毁損)
(9) 各國英語系網站大集合 http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/zephyr/englishdept/englishdept.htm (連結毁損)
(10) Kids Web 兒童學習網 http://www.kidsvista.com/index.html
(11) Kids' Corner 童話故事專區 http://www.tcom.ohiou.edu/books/kids.htm
C. 網上電子書類
(1) 文學藝術經典網站 http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/template.htm
(2) biblomania 網路經典文庫及參考書庫 http://www.malaspina.org/home.htm
(3) 德州大學圖書館的線上圖書服務 http://www.lib.utexas.edu/Libs/PCL/Etext.html
(4) 中國古典詩詞網站 http://www.chinapage.org/poetry9.html
D. 新聞閱讀類
(1) CNN 線上新聞資料庫 http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/
(2) BBC 線上即時新聞 http://www.bbc.co.uk/home/today
(3) 大英百科線上新聞 http://www.eblast.com
(4) 紐約時報電子版 http://www.nytimes.com
(5) 時代週刊電子版 http://www.time.com/time/
E. 藝文生活類
(1) Rhodes 英語語言與文學資源 http://blair.library.rhodes.edu/englhtmls/englnet.html (連結毁損)
(2) 紐約時報書評網站 http://www.nytimes.com/books/
(3) 紐約時報藝文休閒版 http://www.nytimes.com/yr/mo/day/artleisure/
(4) 美國國家美術館 http://www.nga.gov/collection/
(5) Naxos 音樂網站 http://www.hnh.com/hnh_new_body.htm
(6) 文藝復興及巴洛克音樂網站 http://www.sundaybaroque.org/
(7) Film 100 百大電影網 http://www.film100.com/
(8) Virtual Garden 虛擬花園網站 http://www.vg.com
(9) 虛擬圖書館:有關園藝的網站 http://www.gardenweb.com/vl/
F. 歷史旅遊類
(1) 歷史資料搜尋網 http://www.historychannel.com/home/index.html
(2) 線上遨遊歷史的世界 http://www.historytravel.com
(3) 網上中國遊 http://www.chinavista.com/travel/virtualtours.html
G. 一般工具類
(1) 大英百科全書網路版 http://www.britannica.com
(2) 網路參考室 http://www.refdesk.com
(3) 線上 Funk and Wagnalls 百科全書 http://www.funkandwagnalls.com
(4) @skme.com 專家答詢站 http://www.askme.com
10. 彭鏡禧:讀英詩,反覆練習
Resume (Dorothy Parker)
Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smell awful;
You might as well live.
※ Professor Lilian Chao, "Farewell Address" (May, 1964)
Truly, money is important, but it does not deserve to be pursued with the best of your abilities.
Selfish wealth is something which ruins all that is good and beautiful in life.
The pursuit of money for yourself will never satisfy you.
The more you get, the more you will want.
You will never get enough, and you won't stop pursuing money till the day you draw your last breath.
Never to depend upon anyone but yourself.
Never be lax or careless because you have kind parents, loving friends or powerful relatives to depend upon. All these will pass away.
In this world of change and uncertainty, what have you to depend on?
Nothing, nothing but yourself.
You must have strong confidence in yourself, bred from waht you have studied and from the experiences gained from your teachers.
No one can be by your side always throughout your life.
Even though you have a strong family background and influential relatives and friends, they cannot add to or detract from what is truly you.
Drink always from the fountain of knowledge, and never be afraid to learn.
"God helps those who help themselves."
You are the master of your fate.